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Week-End-Witchings with GrannyMoonWeek-End Witchin*s!!!  Join us for Week-End Witchin*s!!!  Subscribe: Week-End_Witchings-subscribe@yahoogroups.com  If you like GrannyMoon*s Morning Feast, you will love Week-End Witchings!!! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GrannyMoonsMorningFeast Thank you!   Coventry of Healing Arts and Pagan Studies Enroll Now!  http://Goddessschool.com/Paganstudies/index.html  •           •           •           •  •           •           •           •  We All Look At the Same Moon!  December Moon Phases Full “Cold” Moon falls on Friday, 25 December, 2015 at 6:11 AM  •           •           •           •  December Cold Moon  grannymoonsmail@yahoo.com  •           •           •           •  The Sabbats 2015 Yule – Dec. 21/22  •           •           •           •  The Year Is Divided Into Four Seasons: The first season is of a frigid complexion, and this is “Winter”; The second is of the complexion of Air, and this is “Spring”; Then follows the third, which is “Summer”, and is of the complexion of Fire; Lastly, there is the fourth, wherein fruits are matured, which is “Autumn”. ~The Turba Philosophorum, ca. 12 century    •           •           •           •  The Seasons, 2015  Vernal Equinox (Spring began) March 20th at 5:46 evening. Sun on Equator, crosses the line North, entered the sign of Aries.  Summer Solstice (Summer begins) June 21st at 11:38 morning. Sun Runs High, at Northern tropic (turn), enters the sign of Crabba.  Autumnal Equinox (Fall begins) September 23rd at 3:20 morning. Sun on Equator, crosses the line South, enters the sign of Libra.  Winter Solstice (Winter begins) December 21st at 11:46 evening. Sun Rides Low, at Southern tropic (turn), enters the sign of Capricorn.  •          •           •           • January 2 2pm The Circle Of Visionaries, Come Be A Part Of This Elevating Time At Moonhaven In Melrose  We meet again Jan 2 2016, The Circle of Visionaries here at Moonhaven in Melrose Florida at 2pm munchies are fine we will convene under the nurturing arms of the Grandmother Tree all welcome bring your visions to share as we pass the talking stick around the fire. RSVP Please  Mercury enters Aquarius  so we will be thinking of unconventional new ways to vision our future. This video was nearly 4 years ago at the Jan 1 2012 Circle of Visionaries here at Moonhaven and my words seem to still ring true today and seem to have been a major message for the year and perhaps next as well. We must trust our gut more than ever and keep our ears to the ground. A brighter future is coming and we need to stay tuned in to get the picture. Write a vision for your new life and mail it to your higher self/The Goddess or your Spirit Guide under your pillow. See what evolves on this Magical Night Blessings Flash   CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO     https://www.facebook.com/deborah.kotler.5https://www.facebook.com/deborah.kotler.5  * The Wise Woman’s Tarot – http://flashsilvermoon.com  * What The Animals Tell Me Radio Show  •           •           •           •  Llewellyn’s Spell-A-Day RSS feed  Journal Magick Through Space and Time Spell Date:  Sunday, December 27, 2015  It’s essential for magickal people to keep a journal of their practices, or otherwise keep a log of their spiritual activity and perceptions. Some Witches utilize a personal Book of Shadows or magickal journal. Others simply use one single book that serves as both a personal journal and a mystical journal. In either case, this spell can help provide a boost during a time of need.Everyone goes through emotional cycles. Sometimes we need a boost of optimism and love. If you’re feeling particularly low on energy, whether now or at another point in time, you may consider writing in your journal. Write about the negative emotions you’re experiencing as well as something along the lines of this:  “I ask my future self to send a boost of energy back through time, to me, NOW!”  To make this type of magick successful, you must be willing not only to reread your journal over the years, but to focus a strong amount of healing energy to your “past self” whenever you read those words. In the present moment, if you’re feeling down and choose to write those words in your journal, you should feel an immediate boost of energy from yourself in the future. This post was written by Raven Digitalis on December 27, 2015  Old-Fashioned Horse(shoe) Sense Spell Date:  Saturday, December 26, 2015  Use a bit of folklore to start the coming year with not only a bit of luck, but some home protection as well.  You’ll need an iron horseshoe for this spell. Check out thrift and vintage shops to try to locate one. If all else fails, get a horseshoe made for use in the game. (It probably won’t have any of the holes used to hammer the shoe to the horse, so you may need to get creative when hanging it up.)  Since it’s the holiday season, dress the shoe with either clove or peppermint oil, charging it with protective energies for your home. Finish with a bit of red ribbon as a bow, and hang somewhere appropriate—usually near the door. Remember to hang it ends-up so the luck doesn’t run out. This post was written by Laurel Reufner on December 26, 2015  Enough Is Plenty Spell Date:  Friday, December 25, 2015  The full moon brings the peak of power and abundance. Christmas Day is likewise a time of giving and receiving. Let go of the idea that “more is better.” It’s unsustainable. Instead, embrace the principle that “enough is plenty.” Want what you have.  Take time to appreciate the experience of sufficiency. Look at the pile of presents before they’re unwrapped, and admire the pretty paper and ribbons. Look again after everything has been opened, and enjoy the new clothes and games and other goodies. See how happy people are. Savor the Christmas feast spread over the table. Give thanks.  Save a few tidbits—a piece of wrapping paper, some ribbon, maybe a bit of tinsel from the tree—and wrap your memories up in that, tying it off with the ribbon. Keep this as a reminder, when hard times come, that you know what it’s like to have enough. This post was written by Elizabeth Barrette on December 25, 2015  Celtic Tree Month of Birch and More Spell Date:  Thursday, December 24, 2015  There are a number of events attributed to this day. Other than international Christmas Eve, it is Eggnog Day and National Chocolate Day. Tomorrow is the full moon, and today is the first day of the Celtic tree month of Birch. As befits this week before we celebrate secular New Year, the Birch Moon is considered a time of rebirth. The winter solstice has passed, and every day brings us just a little closer to the light of Imbolc. Over the next four weeks, any spells cast for creativity and new endeavors will have extra power. Should you be fortunate enough to have a birch tree in your yard, ward off any negative energy by tying red ribbons around the trunk or on branches.  In numerology, 12/24/2015 totals down to 8—a number connected to the planet Mercury. Remain open for divine communication. A sideways eight is the symbol of infinity. Eggnog, chocolate, Christmas Eve, Birch Month, Mercury…today is brimming over with magical and mystical power. Cast accordingly. This post was written by Emyme on December 24, 2015  Sadie, the Bargain Shopping Goddess Spell Date:  Wednesday, December 23, 2015  Do you have all your gifts ready for the holiday season? Did you already give away the best and now remember a special someone whom you really want to treat exceptionally well, and are running low on funds?  Look for Sadie, the Bargain Shopping Goddess, at the stores. Many stores start to reduce pricing on gifts close to the end of the holiday shopping season, and she will lead you to the bins with the best buys.  Who is Sadie? She is that silverhaired little old lady with a purple scarf and a gray wool coat, and she carries a big purse and lots of shopping bags. You will find her roaming the stores, running from bin to bin and shelf to shelf looking for that perfect gift.  Watch where she stops and rummages about. That shelf has exactly what you are looking for at a price you can afford. This post was written by Boudica on December 23, 2015  Buche de Noel Spell Date:  Tuesday, December 22, 2015  Today, bake a Yule log cake, or Buche de Noel, to warm hearts, sweeten moods, and honor the Yuletide spirit. (To go easy on the earth and your health, find a vegan recipe or substitute with vegan margarine, egg substitute, and soymilk. You can also use organic sugar instead of white.) Light a red candle as you prepare it to call bright positivity into the cake. Light red and green candles on the table as you serve with coffee or tea. Before serving, say:  “Today, we honor the return of brightness and the rebirth of the sun. May our hearts burn bright and golden. May we share our love and light with each other and the world. May our happiness, joy, and compassion fill this home, our community, and our world. Thank you.”  Instruct your guests to keep the conversation positive and to engage in hearty laughter whenever possible. This post was written by Tess Whitehurst on December 22, 2015  •           •           •           • Magick Ink Recipes by Hocus Pocus  ♦ MOON INK luck ~ fertility ~ prosperity ~ lunar magick  TOOLS: 2 cups well strained rain water 2 cups fresh purple cabbage 2 tps white vinegar  Rough chop the cabbage  Place cabbage water and vinegar in cauldron or cook pot bring to a boil then simmer 30 minutes  Strain out cabbage and allow the liquid to simmer for another 15 minutes  Reducing the liquid by more than half  Keep a careful eye on it so it does not burn  Cool and store the dark purple ink in a tight sealing glass vessel ♦ BLACKBERRY INK healing ~ money ~ protection  Pick the blackberries in season  Mash them well and strain the blackberries through muslin  Pour the liquid (ink) into a clean sterilized glass bottle or jar ♦ EARTH INK love ~ earth ~ healing old wounds from the past ~ blood substitute  Boil 3 beetroots for 20 minutes til tender  Then juice them  While still warm add a dash of gum arabic powder and stir til thick  Store the blood red ink in a glass vessel ♦ SPELL  you will need a piece of virgin paper ~ a paper that has never been written on ~  cut it into 2 small pieces  a candle a favorite book  take the 2 pieces of paper and hold them tightly between the palms of your hands  think about 2 things you would like to change about yourself  1. something negative to banish 2. something positive to add  if you are doing this with others just give each person 2 pieces of paper a candle and bring along their favorite book then follow the spell together  once you have set in your mind your good point to add and bad point to banish and have thought about it very strongly take the Earth Ink you prepared and with a Quill dip it into the Ink and write just 1 word for each change you would like for yourself  a bird feather you find on the ground works very well for a Quill  or use your imagination with something that has a tip  as you write the words think about the words you are writing down and the reason why you decided on those 2 words  think and feel the words  then go to the candle and burn the banish word in the flame see that written word burn away…  the add word piece of paper place on the 33rd page of one of your favorite books  in time the changes shall take place for you in your life… ♦ When you are preparing the Ink keep your Energy your Mind on making the Ink the Spells you will write with the Ink put your Energy into the making every Stir every Mash every Drop  •           •           •           •  One-Sided Relationships A Question of Balance    by Madisyn Taylor  Relationships can become out of balance and one-sided if we don’t occasionally check in with each other.  One of the most beautiful qualities of an intimate relationship is the give and take of energy that occurs between two people. In the best-case scenario, both people share the talking and listening, and the giving and receiving of support, equally. Occasionally, within any relationship, the balance shifts and one person needs to listen more, or give more. Generally, over a long period of time, even this exception will take on a balanced rhythm; we all go through times when we take more and times when we give more.  However, there are also relationships in which the balance has always felt one-sided. You may have a friend whom you like, but you have begun to notice that the conversation is always about their life and their problems and never about yours. You may also have a friend who seems to require an inordinate amount of support from you but who is unable or unwilling to give much in return. Over time, these relationships can be draining and unsatisfying. One option is simply to end the relationship, or let it fade out naturally. Another option is to communicate to your friend that you would like to create a more equal balance in which your concerns also get some airtime. They may be taken aback at first, but if they are able to hear you, your friendship will become that much more sincere. They may even thank you for revealing a pattern that is probably sabotaging more than one relationship in their life.  A third option is to simply accept the relationship as it is. There are many one-sided relationships that actually work. One example of this is a mentor relationship in which you are learning from someone. Another example is a relationship in which you are helping someone who is sick, disabled, or otherwise needy. In these instances, you can simply be grateful that you are able to help and be helped, trusting that the balance of give and take will even out in the big picture of your life.    •           •           •           •  Week-End Witchin’s Ads!!!  Send in your Ad Friday week-end ads, rituals, spellwork, original artwork, recipes, articles, poetry, short stories to share!  •           •           •           •. Priestess Pathways …. the Newsletter!! Be sure to subscribe for the Lammas Issue!!  Eight times a year for a cost of $12.00, or lifetime for 20.00 Chock full of Goddess Stories, holy days, spells, rituals, recipes, herbal and moon lore, original articles, drawings and prose from our GoddessSchool Priestesses and even special guests!  Put your business advertisement to the Priestess Pathway newsletter! $20.00 for one year! And get a free subscription to Priestess Pathways!  Subscribe Now! http://Goddessschool.com/pathways.html  •           •           •           •. Natural Witchcraft with GrannyMoon  Goals of a Natural Witch/Magician To walk in harmony with nature, never taking without giving. To understand that magick is an alliance between humans and the Earth for the betterment of all. To use magick as an instrument of loving change, not hateful destruction. To see the spiritual in the physical and to understand that neither is higher nor more perfect than the other. To wisely use natural energies only when in genuine need, not for greed. To know that nothing is impossible if we will work beyond personal limitations. To work magick for others only with their permission. To celebrate magick as a union with the energies that gave us our physical forms. To improve ourselves, our friends, and our world for the greater good of all. You don’t need expensive accouterments or other fancy trappings! All lessons are done weekly with GrannyMoon through e-mail, with personal feedback.  Course does require purchase of one text book! You may buy this new, used or you may already have it!  All Students Welcome! A 13 week course on-line course. $100.00 http://goddessschool.com/donations.html  Those completing this course will receive a certificate in Natural Magick!  •           •           •           •  Coventry of Healing Arts and Pagan Studies Enroll Now!   http://Goddessschool.com/Paganstudies/index.html  •           •           •           •  TranscendenceWellnessCenter1  Dr. Marga’s workshops and consultations at Transcendence Wellness Center: Jan 5 – Feb 2, 2016  During the months of January and February Dr. Marga Birmingham will be offering workshops, Energy and Spiritual Healing Sessions, and Spiritual Counseling sessions for human beings and animals at Transcendence Wellness Center. Here’s her events calendar for Jan 5-Feb 2/16.  Jan 5, Tues – 6Heal Your Pet and Other Animals! – Investment: $15 Dr. Marga’s Animal Healing System: During this seminar Dr. Marga will introduce her Animal Healing System, which blends principles and approaches of Animal Energy Medicine & Spiritual Healing: Animal Communication, Positive Affirmations, Visualizations, Flower Remedies, Energy Balancing, Chakra Healing, Spiritual Healing, Cosmic Rays, Music Therapy, and Pet Phobia Desensitization.  =============================================================  Jan 5, Tues – 7- Investment: $40 Aligning YOURSELF for the New Year: A Journey on Energy Cleansing, Alignment and Protection, Self-Healing, and LIFE Goals Definition for the New Year – During this program you will explore ways to cleanse your energy field, align your seven-fold bodies, your chakra system, and protect yourself energetically. We will discuss the importance of setting and/or reviewing LIFE Goals, as you prepare yourself for this new chapter in your life.  ============================== ============================== =  Jan 12, Tues – 6 Investment: $15  POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO HEAL YOUR PET AND OTHER ANIMALS- A Breakthrough Process to Transform Animals Health and Behavior – Based on the author’s book POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO HEAL YOUR PET AND OTHER ANIMALS. During this program will learn how to improve your pet’s or any other animal’s state of mind, and even physical or emotional condition using positive affirmations. You can use them on a daily basis, during and after rescue operations, trauma episodes, surgeries, health challenges, behavioral issues and such.    ============================== ============================== = Jan 12, Tues – 7-   Investment: $40 Breaking the CHAINS: Letting go of the UNWANTED – A Journey of Self Liberation, freeing yourself from relationships that don’t serve a high purpose in your life any more. We will examine the reasons why people put themselves in destructive and/or magnetic relationships. We will support you seek the courage to let go of the UNWANTED, opening the doorways to a life of self-love, self-respect and meaning. ============================== ============================== =  Jan 26, Tues – 6-7 Investment: $15  VISUALIZATIONS TO HEAL YOUR PET AND OTHER ANIMALS- During this program you will learn how to use visualizations to maximize the effect of positive affirmations, this way creating a new health reality and well being  to your pet or any other animal you want to help. You will learn how to project a healing thought form, that is, imagery, into the animal’s mind. You’ll gradually start seeing signs of change or even “miracles”!      ============================== ============================== =  Jan 26, Tues – 7- 9:Investment: $40 Say Yes to the New You:  A Journey of Courage, Transmutation and Transformation.  What kind of BEING do you want to be? Someone constantly fearful, irritable, critical, judgmental, unforgiving, and unsatisfied? Or someone others want to be around because you radiate confidence, patience, acceptance, understanding and compassion? During this program you will “vacuum” energetically the shadowed soul attributes from your BEING, transmuting them into empowering, liberating, and enlightened divine attributes, giving birth to the NEW YOU!  ============================== ============================== ==  Feb 2, Tues – 6- 7p Investment: $15  Soul Retrieval: A Shamanic Healing Approach to Heal Animal Trauma- During this seminar you will learn about Soul Retrieval, a Shamanic technique that reintegrates one or more portions of an animal soul, or essence, lost during trauma, shock, abuse, intense fear, panic, grief, major life changes, losses, surgery, illness, intense stress, etc.  ============================== ==============================  Feb 2, Tues – 7- 9:3 Investment: $40  The Power of Forgiveness: A Journey To Your Heart In Search For Healing, Peace, Health, And Inner Freedom. FREE YOURSELF FROM THE CHAINS OF THE PAST. Explore your deepest capability to forgive, love unconditionally, and be compassionate for yourself and others. Create PEACE in your life and in the life of others. Step onto the road that leads to your real SELF, re-empowerment, peace, wholeness, and improved health.     =========================================================== = Dr. Marga’s Spiritual Counseling and Healing Session – 1h – 1.5 h or 2 h one-to-one sessions. – Fridays – 5-9pm. Jan  8,15, 22, 29 and Feb 5.    During the session Dr. Marga works from her cosmology of: Spiritual Healing, Shamanism (Soul Retrieval), Past Lives Therapy, Multidimensional Healing, Positive Affirmations and Visualizations, Archetypes, Consciousness Expansion, Energy Cleansing, Protection and Alignment, Chakra Balancing and Alignment, Cosmic Rays Therapy, Belief System Review, Life Purpose Assessment, Divine Self Reconnection, Sacred Contract Assessment, and Inner Alchemy and Transmutation.  Utilizing dialogue and intuitive insight, individual needs are assessed and addressed through her deeply loving spiritual presence and transformational energy.  Contact Susie at Transcendence or Dr. Marga directly to book your session. Inquire Transcendence about other schedule possibilities.  Investment:   1 h = $ 95 1 ½ h = $135 2 h = $180  By prepaid appointment only.  Cancellations policy: 100 % refund on cancellations up to 48 hours prior to session 50% refund on cancellations up to 24 hours prior to session No refund on cancellations on the same day as session  Transcendence Wellness Center 5053 Merriam Drive Merriam, KS 66203  •           •           •           •  Mother Earth Gemstones  Greetings: We are the proprietors of Mother Earth Gemstones, a Mom and Pop rock shop. We offer rocks, crystals, minerals, fossils, gemstones, and more at great prices. Our shop has been serving the community since January, 2010.  Between us we have over 50 years of involvement in the pagan community, and we love our rocks.  We invite you to visit our shop at: http://www.MotherEarthGemstones.com  Also we recently added a large jewelry section to our shop. We have partnered with a renown jewelry craftsman and can now offer you an excellent collection of jewelry. Our jewelry is crafted with .925 Sterling Silver unless otherwise noted.  We are Crick & Tracy, a Traditional witch and a Druid.  Join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mother-Earth-Gemstones/221829417843733  We also have a Security Products shop called Stand Fast Self Protection which can be found at http://Standfastselfprotection.com  Welcome to our shops, friend  View my Witchvox Profile: http://www.witchvox.com/vn/vn_detail/dt_pa.html?a=uspa&id=227675  •           •           •           • Haunted Occoquan Tours   Haunted Occoquan (Virginia) Tours offer family-friendly walking tours.  Visit our Tour Reservation page for information on when you can make a reservation and fees.  Check Kay out online in Biography Channel’s “My Ghost Story”, Episode 67 concerning the Weems-Botts Museum in Dumfries, VA, and her new blog about things paranormal and Haunted Occoquan.  http://haunted-occoquan.com/  •           •           •           •.  The Goddess Way through the 12 Steps  The Goddess Way through the 12 Steps: 12 Rituals of Light and Love by Amethyst Star (Author), Shahla Coyote (Contributor), Baba Mecka (Contributor)  Some background:  We began our rituals in January, 2012 for Step One.  Each month we did a ritual for the corresponding step. The rituals were equally written by each of us.  We created each ritual so it was an action of love coming from all of us. Here is a quick introduction for our book.    Peace and harmony are the cornerstones of our 12-Step rituals. Amethyst Star and I (Shahla Coyote) have been friends for many years.  They met Baba Mecka a few years ago. We each realized that something was missing, something that could make the steps more viable in our lives. We all follow the Goddess path and wanted to write rituals for each step. It has been a labor of love and has allowed us to get closer to the Spirit Goddess.  The three of us came together to go through each of the steps to cement with action and ritual our growth in sobriety. Our higher power includes goddesses, so it seemed natural to use ritual and different goddesses to express creatively each step in recovery.  We used the Open Steps and these rituals are not set in stone.  If you feel that a different stone or god/goddess expresses more clearly your intention, by all means change the ritual to be a clear expression of yourself. Honor your sobriety by being true to what feels right to you.  These rituals express an inward pull to grow in love and spirituality.  We began brainstorming the possibility of creating rituals for each of the 12 Steps. Each one of these rituals has been a beautiful way to express our commitment to that step.  They have healed us in ways we can’t even begin to describe in our journey in recovery.  Making the Goddess path part of our recovery has been profound.  This book has truly been a labor of light and love. We hope you enjoy it and the wonderful things that may materialize as a result of these rituals.    Amethyst Star,  Baba Mecka, Shahla Coyote Product Details: Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: The Goddess Way Through The 12 Steps; 1 edition (April 25, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781628901 ISBN-13: 978-9781628900 Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.1 inches   Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item   •           •           •           •  Campbell’s Rambles: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life CamRamEBookCover  Nonfiction by Patty L. Fletcher  The book is now for sale in print and e-book format from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the Apple bookstore, Smashwords, and other online sellers.  For details, please see:  www.dvorkin.com/pattyfletcher  Attention All Readers of – The Neighborhood News!  We are until the first of the year running a holiday special on advertising. From now until January 1st, 2016 you can purchase one year’s advertising for a onetime fee of $20.00 for 200 word limit or $25.00 with a photo.  Even if you are already placing Ads with us, you may still take advantage of this limited opportunity.  To place your Ad, please send your information including contact info such as email address, phone or website. (One link per Ad)  Font & Size:-   Times New Roman, size 12  To: patty.volunteer1@gmail.com and make your payment to me at PayPal.com using the same email address.  Thanks and we look forward to doing business with you in the near future.  Patty L Fletcher Author, Motivational Speaker and Nonprofit Consultant  www.dvorkin.com/pattyfletcher/  •           •           •           •  Flash Silvermoon What the Animals Tell Me ! Every Wed 8:30-9PM EST call 1 347 237 5416  flashsilvermoon  What the Animals Tell Me with Flash Silvermoon Every Wed 8:30-9 pm EST  Reaching out through email as FB wants my name to be Deborah Kotler so please, friend me under that name thanks  WOMANSPIRIT RISING On Air Rituals and Celebrations w/Flash Silvermoon What the Animals Tell Me with Flash Silvermoon every Wed 8:30-9 pm est  ALTERNATIVE HEALING FOR THE ANIMALS IN THE SHADOW OF EARTH CHANGES  You can call in this phone number to listen LIVE on our live show Call 1-6055623140 Enter Access code: 244850#  If you call in stay muted til the end and we can HAVE SOME Q&A or  ARCHIVE – /     Listen anytime  after the show to This Show and Others Flash Silvermoon shares her story ALTERNATIVE HEALING FOR THE ANIMALS IN THE SHADOW OF EARTH CHANGES now because we are all going through so many EARTH CHANGES and there are so many animals in crisis or crossing around the world putting all of us including our beloved animals at high risk. Also we are coming on to the 10 year Anniversary of Katrina and this story shares my experiences of working with the Rescue team for the Katrina Hounds locally. Hopefully this story although written some years ago will inspire and educate you in ways to help yourselves. If you call in tonight and mute the phone til the end we can have some QnA if you like.  This story and many others will be included in her book Lifetime Companions Love Never Dies which offers many tales about how she began working on her own animals and how that evolved to treating all kinds of other animals over the last 35 years. The animals are my teachers and I have been blessed by many excellent teachers in my home and in my practice.I am sure that you will find that this information awakens your own skills as an Animal Communicator too.Reach Flash Silvermoon at    http://www.flashsilvermoon.com  Nationally known Animal Communicator Flash Silvermoon shares her 35+ years of experiences doing healing work with the animals to enlighten you about their psyches.and how to truly deepen your relationship with your animal companions and all animals  Call Flash Silvermoon for an appointment today. 352-475-2432 North Central Florida’s Favorite Pet Psychic, Psychic and Astrologer  Flash always shares more about Holistic methods to heal your animal companions. Of course the first thing is Animal Communication which  is the best aid in knowing and understanding what your animal companions want and need as well as how their past and even past lives can influence their healing. Flash also creates her own Gem Elixirs and uses Green Hope Farms Flower Essences as well as homeopathy, essential oils and healing touch to round out her practice. See her website for further info on ordering or having her work on your animals .  Flash presents this wonderful show devoted to bringing people and animals into greater harmony. She shares her amazing experiences as an Animal Communicator and offers everything that you might want to know about the world of animals from care, healing, feeding and most importantly understanding. She often shares the mike with special guests who are managers of Sanctuaries, non traditional Vets, and all manner of people that work on the front line to love and help animals.  Call Flash Silvermoon for an appointment today. 352-475-2432 North Central Florida’s Favorite Pet Psychic, Psychic and Astrologer  * The Wise Woman’s Tarot – http://flashsilvermoon.com * * What The Animals Tell Me Radio Show  •           •           •           •.  Cat’s Treasure Trove “Add a little magic to your day”    We specialize in unique handcrafted jewelry & gifts!  Please surf in and check us out at: http://catstreasuretrove.weebly.com  You can also LIKE us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/CatsTreasureTrove  Please surf in and check us out!  •           •           •           •.  Daughter’s of Isis  Greetings!  Another holiday season is here!  The world wags with continuous changes larger than ever as we celebrate our seasonal shifts.  This year we have focused on uplifting new blends to refresh you (The Sea) or help keep you in the moment (ReAwaken).  Please give a look at our new collection; the SuperNaturals.  They have been created to assist with balance and banish.   The season brings our holiday blends back onto the shelf with some brand new considerations: the Lady’s of Winter!  Right beside the Holly King and Oak King.    There are many links for you to explore.  Browse through all the Goddess goodies and beauties from MotherHouse of the Goddess Shop.  Go over to Kimberly’s site and explore the Mystery School.  Please listen in … we have provided links to 3 radio shows that inform, explore and ask you to participate.  Nicole’s Spirit Therapy will bring you some healing meditations to address issues of Self or to heal in your community.   Goddess Alive Radio provides a guest list of Goddess devoted authors, ceremonialist’s and healers. Every Saturday Nicole and Gwen explore our New Age.    Thank you for giving us a moment!  Take the loving energy of the season and heal yourself!  We have so many aromatic tools for you to enjoy and use. Gwen, the blender.   Link to Daughters of Isis.com 646.202.1889 866.364.6457  Click on the logo to go there! http://daughtersofisis.com/  •           •           •           • Susan Prout Art  November is going to be a fun month with two of my favorite local fairs, Oracles of Aquarius and KC MetaPhysical and ending with Customer Appreciation Day at Crescent Springs.  Prints are available for the mandalas in the Divine Solfeggio series that have been completed, 429Hz Change in Awareness is the most recent.  Frequency 429Hz is more than we’d probably like to admit so much of our day is spent in a state of self-delusion repeating an internal dialogue, of justifying our actions, both good and bad. The first step in the journey of self awareness is to realize, “You are perfect as you are”. You may wish to become more then you are at this moment, but you are in the perfect spot to make that change. There is always more of YOU to discover and become.  For the first time ever the originals of many of the Archangel drawings available for purchase, don’t miss this chance to connect with your favorite angels.  SusanProutArt.com  Angels = Color = Frequency = Geometry = Solfeggio = Language of Light  Discover the sophisticated patterns, balance and energy of the Universal Solfeggio Frequencies.    The Earthly, Angelic & now Universal Solfeggio Frequencies in combination with Mandala’s are a unique and powerful tool to connect and transform your connection with your true self.  Susan Prout 816.377.3507 susan@susanproutart.com SusanProutArt.com  •           •           •           •  Earth Signs and Omens Uncover the Hidden Mysteries of Nature  In Nature, we can find guidance about all life’s mysteries and all issues in our individual life circumstances. We will learn the signs, omens and messages in nature and understand when and how they communicate with us. One of the easiest and most rewarding of the divinatory arts, you will learn why things are happening to you and help to solve problems.  The course covers signs and omens, communication, seasonal rites, trees and shrubs, flowers, plants and weeds, herbs, plant magick, the Guardians of Nature and much more.  An exciting hands-on 10 week course for $50.00. http://goddessschool.com/donations.html  All lessons are on line, you will receive weekly personal response to each lesson  •           •           •           •  The Magic of Crystals Course with GrannyMoon  Quartz crystals are a gift from the earth. They have the ability to amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive. Quartz can strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life. Quartz can reduce stress, help with centering, strengthen, have wonderful healing properties and surround you with protection!  If you love crystals like I do, join me in this 4 Week Mini – Course for a fun and interesting time! No books or supplies needed!  $25.00 Purchase 4 courses at one time – get a fifth one free!  http://goddessschool.com/Paganstudies/minicourses.html#The_Magic_of_Crystals_  Other Available Mini-Courses http://goddessschool.com/Paganstudies/minicourses.html  •           •           •           •. The Goddess School Grimoire  http://www.lulu.com/shop/sotbb-Goddess-school/the-Goddess-school-grimoire/hardcover/product-762380.html Hardcover: $39.45 Softback: $26.95 eBook (PDF): $6.25  The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School (www.Goddessschool.com) has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women.  •           •           •           •.  Buy Your Morning Feast Cafe Press Gear! http://www.cafepress.com/morningfeast T-shirts, jackets, mugs, bags and other cool gear!!!  •           •           •           •.  Yule Half Price Sale (all December) Become a Certified Practitioner of The Healing Arts!  Welcome to a journey to learn about the hidden powers of herbs and our Mother Earth. Wise women and men have existed for thousands of years and still exist throughout the world. They know Mother Earth as the ultimate healer, and have learned to utilize the gifts of of nature. Inside each person  is a being of wisdom, deeply connected to the Earth, to the phases of the moon and the tides of the sea. All we need to do is trust our innate wisdom.  In Herbalism 101, we cover 21 herbs, and start our Materia Medica, that we will build throughout the next two levels. We will cover the basic aspects of herbs. From culinary to magickal, medicinal to ornamental. As well as the many modalities of herbs!  Herbalism 202 – We focus on herbs and terminology having to do with health and health care, making herbal medicines, classifying herbs, the Doctrine of Signatures, and much much more!  Herbalism 303 – This last series of classes teaches about the entire body, one system at a time. You’ll learn about how the body functions and what health problems are related to which body system. You’ll also learn about natural health remedies for many health problems.  Free with Reiki Masters certification an attunement with purchase of Herbalism 1,2,and 3. I am attuned to Usui Ryoho, but I also ask that my students read the Diane Stein book, Essential Reiki. We cover the three Reiki levels and you will receive a Master’s attunement and certificate.  Each course (3 in all) is ten weeks in length. Each course is 50.00 taken separately and earns a certificate in Healing Arts. Earn a Priest or Priestess certification in Healing Arts by taking these four courses. Buy three at once, get Reiki Master certification free. The Healing Arts certificate four part series will earn a Priest or Priestess Certification from The Order of the Burning Branch No text books required unless otherwise noted. Herbalism 101 (The Universe of Herbs, begin your own Materia Medica) Herbalism 202  (My Herbalism 101 course is required) Herbalism 303  (My Herbalism 101 and 202 courses are required) Reiki I, II, and III http://goddessschool.com/Paganstudies/healingarts.html  •           •           •           •  High Priestess Training and Community Welcome to a journey of the shamanistic powers of the female, the Wisewomen. Wisewomen have existed for thousands of years and still exist throughout the world. They know Mother Earth as the ultimate healer, and have learned to utilize the gifts of of nature. Inside each woman is a being of wisdom, deeply connected to the phases of the moon and the tides of the sea. All we need to do is trust our innate wisdom.  “Part of the ancient vision of the Goddess was as protector of cities and the sustaining fields around them. She was not, in this role, always a matronly and maternal goddess, but was frequently depicted as a lusty, loving, sensual woman. The power she wielded did not make her any less sexually vibrant. Indeed, her power was part of her erotic attraction.”  “The queens and goddesses of myth and legend show us an image of both strength and sensuousness. While today we often equate women’s sexuality with weakness and passivity, our forebears saw such goddesses as Ishtar as especially passionate and sexual because of their power. Ishtar and her sister goddesses are potent images of feminine possibility – a possibility that remains despite the 2,500 years that have passed since she was last worshipped.” (“The Goddess Companion”, Patricia Monaghan)  Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. The feminine form of the word is not “shamaness” but “shamanka”, however, here we will use the word “Priestess”.  Healing,  gathering and growing herbs and food, keeping communities in balance, presiding over ceremonies and rites of passage, maintaining relations with the dead, teaching, ministering to those in need, communing with nature to learn her secrets ,preserving the wisdom traditions, divining the future, and drumming and dancing with Goddesses, these are feminine shamanic arts.  This what you will learn or remember in our classes here!  Sisters of The Burning Branch, is our part of the “shaman’s tree”, an image found in several cultures as a symbol for mediation.  The tree is seen as a being whose roots belong to the world underneath; its trunk belongs to the middle, human-inhabited world; and its top is related to the upper world.  The curriculum of Sisters of the Burning Branch, is eclectic, borrowed from the teachings of many paths, but rooted in Women’s Spirituality.  Priestess Training takes a year and day to complete, plus 3 months to earn the High Priestess cord. (four levels). We do ask for your commitment when joining. Please do not sign up if you are not committed or able to follow through. There is nothing worse for your self esteem!  We try to nurture here, this defeats that purpose.  At GoddessSchool we use song and chants to raise power, using drums, tambourines or just humming along works too! We celebrate the Mother – the Full Moon – Mother Earth – Mother Nature – she is in us all – we are in her – we are one! We will learn some songs, beat the drums, howl at the Moon! We are ever changing as does the Moon – Feel the Moon – let her fill you up! Join us!  The entire fee for each level is $120 (payment plan available), sixteen lessons in each level, except the last. Tuition covers lessons,  assignments and instructor feedback. In addition, students may download guided meditation exercises and be eligible for face to face Sabbats, Esbats and retreats with the Sisterhood.  Please contact me at: grannymoonsmail@yahoo.com For an application and more information! Visit me at http://GoddessSchool.com    •           •           •           •.  So Mote It Be! •           •           •           •.  /\__/\ (=’:’=) >>o



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